The X-Trac, X-Band Solid-State Transceiver is design for use in SMR, PAR and Coastal Radar Systems. It utilises advanced signal processing techniques to detect small targets in harsh environmental conditions.

The transceiver delivers high-performance, low-maintenance, high availability and reliability surveillance with customisable system parameters, such as pulse frequencies and compression, frequency diversity and equipment redundancy.

  • Coherent, solid-state pulse compression transceiver
  • Digital configuration customizable through software-defined capability
  • Fully integrated BITE functionality
  • Operational frequencies are fully configurable (501 carrier frequencies)
  • Super-heterodyne linear receiver
  • Overall dynamic range 140 dB is provided by an additional EDR channel
Easat’s X-Band Transceiver comes equipped with a State-of-the-Art Control and Monitoring
System (CMS) and Built-In-Test-Equipment (BITE).


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